An Amateur Bomber , Bombing Nganjuk

When most other people think grafitty is a vandalism.. I make this as my talent while "Jtv team" come to my hometown and report my profile as Youth Tourism Representative.
Bombing in front of Nganjuk Tourism Departement Chairman, Mr. Tri Wijoso and Reported by Jtv is a great experience.
I use 12 cans of aerosol and 10 piece of stencil to make this grafitty piece.. and all were supported by Nganjuk Tourism Departement.. Wahey!!
Check my piece at Taman Rekreasi Anjuk Ladang (T.R.A.L). Hope it haven't been erased. :(

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

woi jadi orang kreatif banget seh ... salut deh buat dirimu

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