The Making of Mathboy, Icon on "Kompetisi Matematika Nasional 2008 STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Great pleasure for me to design my campus mathematic national event icon. The idea comes from "ROCKMEN" that represent techno boy who is smart and dynamic.
The techno refers to my campus that is computer college. Smart and dynamic represent the competition that will be participated by Senior High School Student.
I just draw the figure of rockmen manually, bold it with drawing pen, scan, trace with autotrace ( trace bitmap ) in corel draw then coloring it.
Because it trace automaticaly so the detail gonna too damn rough... I spend 8 hours doing this. ( 16 hours if trace manually.. I hope I musn't do it )

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Anonim mengatakan...

saya sangat mendukung ajang seperti ini :)

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